Students are granted admission in the school with the specific understanding that they will abide by the rules and regulation of the school regarding good moral, discipline, uniform and attendance in the classes as lay down in this prospectus. In this respect student must adhere to the following code of conduct.
- Every student will apply herself to the program of study in which she is enrolled..
- She will participate in co-curricular activities compatible with her aptitude.
- She will respect the religious and cultural values of other fellow students.
- She will refrain from:
- Allowing or abetting entry into the college premises of unauthorized persons.
- Participating or arranging any activity of political, religious or nationalist party pr student organization with in the school premises.
- Damaging school property including building, equipment and vehicles.
- Boycotting the classes or provoking building other students for it.
- Collecting any funds for donations within the school in the name of school without the permission of the principal.
- Use of mobile phone and printing or distributing posters of giving statements in newspapers against the dignity of the school and its administration or faculty.
- Makeup and use jewelry
- “Hina” to the outer side of the hands.
- Parents are not allowed to enter in hostel rooms.
- No one is allowed to meet the students’ even blood relation without the permission of the competent authority.
- There will be a particular room for meeting to the students.
- Meeting and telephone call are allowed in the specific time.
- In case of any emergency consult to the in-charge.
Note: disciplinary action will be taken against the students who do not follow this code of may lead to the expulsion of the guilty students from the school.