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The system of education of the school has been arranged in the following two ways; morning for Quranic studies and evening for contemporary studies. It consists total five years academic duration. It is mandatory for each and every student to get admission in both sections. The timing of the Quranic classes start at 8:00 till 12:00 while the classes of the contemporary studies start at 1:00 till 5:00.
In this section, memorization, translations and concise explanation of the Quran along with Quranic studies, selected Hadith, selected sermon are taught to the students.
The academic year consists of 227 days and there will be five classes each and every day. Duration of one class will be forty minutes. There will be 1135 classes in a year, from which 427 classes are taken to solve exercise and the rest of the 708 days are divided to teach lesson.
Bintul Huda has considered numerous courses. Presently 2 different courses/branches of studies are being taught in this institution. Subjects are divided by level of students
# | School | Quranic |
1 | 1st Year (Class 6th ) Mathematics General Science English Urdu Social Studies Islamiat | 1st Year (Class Tooba) Memorization of Quran (Juz 30 & Juz 1 to 05 12 Units) Translations of Quran (Juz 30 & Juz 1 to 05 12 Units) Exercise Units 12 Tajveed (Arabic Phonetics) Units 12 Ahkaam Units 09 Mafaheem(Basic Arabic Grammar) Units 09 |
2 | 2nd Year Class 7th Mathematics General Science English Urdu Social Studies Islamiat | 2nd Year (Class Tibyan) Memorization of Quran Juz 06 to 11 (12 Units) Translations of Quran Juz 06 to 11 (12 Units) Exercise Units 12 Fluent Reading (Arabic Phonetics) Units 12 Ahkaam Units 09 Mafaheem(Basic Arabic Grammar) Units 09 |
3 | 3rd Year Class 8th Mathematics General Science English Urdu Social Studies Islamiat | 3rd Year (Class Noor) Memorization of Quran Juz 12 to 17 (12 Units) Translations of Quran Juz 12 to 17 (12 Units) Exercise Units 12 Mafaheem (Arabic Grammar)Units 12 Ahkaam Units 09 Quranic Sciences Units |
4 | 4th Year Class 9th Science/Social Science Subjects Mathematics English Urdu Islamic Studies (Compulsory) | 4th Year (Class Furqan) Memorization of Quran Juz 18 to 23 (12 Units) Translations of Quran Juz 18 to 23 (12 Units) Exercise Units 12 General Mafaheem (Arabic Grammar)Units 12 Memorization of Khutbat Units 12 |
5 | 5th Year Class 10th Science/Social Science Subjects Mathematics English Urdu Pakistan Studies (Compulsory) | 5th Year (Class Burhan) Memorization of Quran Juz 24 to 30 (12 Units) Translations of Quran Juz 24 to 30 (12 Units) Exercise Units 12 General Mafaheem (Arabic Grammar) Units 12 Memorization of Khutbat Units 12 Revision of Holy Quran (in III parts) |
Leave may be granted to the students on submission of an application, other than sudden illness or unexpected urgency, to the Principal. Leave without application shall be considered as absent.
1. Leave may be granted on submitting an application mentioning the genuine reason e.g., family hospitalization, official engagement of parents where the company of child is inevitable, marriage & death of close relatives.
2. In case of absent from the school for more than 6 consecutive days and 4 days in aggregate in a month, students shall be fined Rs50/=per class and a counseling session will be conducted with the parents.
3. In case of absent from the school for more than six days consecutively and ten days in aggregate in a month, the name of the student will be struck off.
4. Students shall properly be communicated daily class and study starting and ending time. Students coming maximum ten minutes late after Class starting time may be allowed to sit in the class. Beyond this limit student shall be considered absent and may be sent to warden room.
A student can avail herself of maximum on- week leave in one academic session. Leave for one period is given on the verbal request of the student’s blood relative (mentioned in the list of visitors). More than one day leave is granted on the logical reasoning provided by the father or guardian’s written request. Medical leave applications must be supplemented by a medical certificate. The period for which a student is on leave will be considered absent for the calculation of the attendance of the student, therefore leave will be granted on students’ own risk.
Any student desirous to leave the school, she must apply to the principal in writing at least one week before her intended departure and her application must be countersigned by her father/guardian. Clearance of school dues, fine, library books, and Science laboratory is a prerequisite for leaving school.